Get a life.....

Well, I think they (number1, number2 and number3 children) are kind of gone to bed (the thumping and crashing has generally moved upstairs). So I thought I would try and post some pictures of the other grand passion in my life - knitting. This photo is a sweater I knitted last year when I had a life, in other words pre-dissertation. I vaguely remember what that was like, to go hither and frolic merrily here and there (well mainly in yarn shops actually) without the guilty feeling that it was all about to cave in on me. Oh yes, I remember, sort of... Anyway onto more important things like knitting, and more specifically this jumper - I'd had the idea in my head for oooh ages and then finally gave up the procrastination to actually knit it (after sitting on the floor with colouring in pencils and graph paper and sellotape and scissors and ....), as even though I left the yarn and needles lying 'round it just wouldn't knit itself. It is supposedly inspired by scabious flowers which is why the flower centres are checkered like pin cushions. I was so suprised when it finally worked out, but it took kind a bit of brain power to work out the centre and and repeats and shaping (oh, yes I believe in shaping - otherwise yours truly looks like the missing link between hamsters and humans, trust me they can mingle). I had a ceremonial burning of the scrappy bits of paper when I had finished it and a big bag of wotsits were eaten mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm. So what else did I knit last year? (this year has been so taken over by studying, so much so that I am almost an educated kinda gal, which is boring, boring and boring and as the dissertation is on health literacy they won't accept a pile of knitted things so I have had to resort to actually putting words to paper or screen rather than stitches to swatch).
Well, I know I have pictures somewhere of things I knitted, mostly they are green things. I have a thing about green, I know it, I recognise it, I plan yarn visits around avoiding green but somehow I usually come out with green yarn. There must be a deep seated void within that can only be met with green yarn... yup that must be it. Yarn should be available on prescription. You heard it from a health information professional.
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