Today a baddddd day, totally hacked off and had a serious yelling at 3 people who DID NOT, repeat DID NOT not leave empty biscuit packet on floor in living room. One has been made to pair socks, one emptying rubbish bin in kitchen and one made to vacuum. Will introduce concept of washing up their own flipping mugs tomorrow. Friend of child number2 is not welcome unless I am about, as am totally p---ed off with his trail of biscuit crumbs/inability to wash hands after toilet - using flimsy excuse the damn kid is a health hazard to restrict access to whenever I am in cheery mood (like bleepin never) probably not nice to say that real reason is he farts and picks skin off his feet and leaves it all over dining table (nice)...
Have long words to put in dissertation but short ones starting with f seem to be the flavour of the day and suit mood better. Have worked out how to download pictures from H's camera - he seems seriously unimpressed with me, can even upload picture to blog profile if you ever want to know (yup I'm good, just looks like global dimming has hit West of Scotland).
Feedback from methodology was that its fine (just spelt lickert wrong - freudian slip). Am trying to think of clever things for results (yes, I have some -in fact I have too flaming many). That just leaves conclusions and introduction and tidy round edges, sigh...
Boss had talk with me today (he has had to fill out a referee form for a job app - do I have any criminal convictions/mental instability etc etc, answer being none that get in the way of the job so far, crazy helps in fact) says he would miss me if I decided to go, he really is a great guy and we rub along really well. I would really miss him.
Am seriously hacked off with state of kitchen, oven on blink and have discovered that doing oven chips under grill not a success and am going to skin next little treasure that stands in front of fridge when I am trying to cull dead things to feed them (not a successful tactic on their part only makes me madder and more determined to poke slippery mushrooms into them). Would like a new kitchen but husband says that it is just fine (never mind defective oven that won't work, frig with door that swings open and big gap at end of bench that swallows teaspoons and houses mega-spiders, and of course the cupboards that are wrong shelf distances so containers with cereal etc only fit in the one cupboard and that is so full it can't hold any more, we won't even mention the plug doesn't fit the sink so washing up is a race against time) he is currently in hiding for a week at a conference somewhere near Vienna? Not actually sure where he is, but unless he comes back with firm offer of kitchen he is not welcome. If can't have new kitchen would settle for new husband.
Am about to go check contents of laundry basket as they have decanted vast quantities from upstairs and anything that can be scratched/flicked will do for tomorrow, may even find enough money for litre of milk if lucky. Number1 has offered to have a bath - think I am supposed to be grateful, am going to wring madams neck if she doesn't stop yabbering at me I do NOT want to know what R did to her at school today or how M said whatever to V and that C isn't talking to K as K smells, and how she can't believe that S would eat...
Need a serious yarn fix but have banned myself from even touching it until the results for the dissertation are sent off.

Look at those poor needles - they'll be gathering dust if left alone any longer.............................
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