January 29th

Oh, we are a house of woe (when are we not – just pick your type). Dave has escaped – this is bad, it has also meant much hand wringing, I guess we were not the benevolent humans we fondly thought ourselves to be otherwise Dave would not have sought freedom. So now not only are we agonising over the well-being and general happiness of Dave, but also our fitness as a hamster-inclusive family (why didn’t we clock any signs that Dave felt so unhappy and unsupported within the family unit?). We are currently divided into two camps – do we completely uproot furniture that has not been shifted in ages in our quest to find Dave? (which to me suggests inadvertently squooshing sleeping Daves’) or do we just leave his little cage on the floor with little Dave treats inside to tempt him back – or at least to keep him well nourished whilst he is on the skedaddle? (thus, a silent reproach to all in the living room) and what if he doesn’t come back? Anyone with hamster psychology experience please let us know.
In the meantime, we have vacuumed more diligently than ever before – so we can better estimate fresh hamster poo (yikes), doing a whole room with the small nozzle attachment thingy to avoid the unspeakable even in a small house is no mean feat. Come back Dave or at least send us a message (even a little pooky message is fine)….
Dave in happier times (at least that's what we thought)...
Apart from that, I have finished Thistle (had to shorten the fringe a little as otherwise I might need a retinue of little helpers to hold the train as I walk…..) and Tree for baby-yet-to-hatch for my fellow Kiwis holed up near Gartacharn. Somehow a missing Dave takes the gloss off things.

So sorry to hear about Dave. As owner of Custard, a born houdini, we have to lock him in his cage with pegs and a parrot lock! I'm sure Dave will return - not sure how long he'll be gone though!
Definitely leave the cage open on the floor with food and water and check it daily. Then at least you'll know he's being fed. Only problem then is he'll happily be living a free life and only come to his cage for food. But at least you'll know he's ok.
I wouldn't move any furniture - but tidy up as much you can so he can be spotted - and search everywhere for signs of hamster business! They love corners and places to curl up and sleep but run so quick too if discovered so just keep on looking.
Our previous hamster Fattie escaped via a fireplace in our old house and ended up under the floorboards (which we ripped up! we were doing up the whole house anyway). We knew he was eating but couldn't catch him. Left him ladders and escape routes up into the kitchen and dining room. Eventually exactly 2 weeks after disappearing he appeared back in the kitchen while we were in there with a look on his face that said - not very good parents are you! He was filthy and needed a bath and was most ready to go back in his cage after his 2 week 'adventure holiday'.
Forgot to mention I got Rowan 39 yesterday and love it. You're right, it is yummy and full of far too many lovely projects....I reckon I can start Deep in Summer Tweed from stash though :) only after finishing Elspeth of course!
Try not to take Dave's AWOL too personally - little furry creatures just cannot resist the temptation to go wandering about. In our old house we lost 3 out of 4 chinchillas under the floorboards at one time or another....thanks to my husband demolishing our house :) Thankfully rabbits are too big to lose in the house ;)
Let me know if you have any news.
Oh, dear. Is is possible he's gotten INTO the furniture? My mother's cat's favorite hiding place is actually inside the sofa.
We have had two hamster escapees in our long hamster parenting. the first one was a much-loved and pampered little girl who actually knew her name. Her exercise ball accidentally came apart and she got out. I sat in the kitchen on the floor, calling her name for half an hour, and she appeared!! She had a splinter in her tiny paw, and was glad to be back. The second hamster did not recognize her name, and we set food in a cage that was upended on the floor...easy to get in to the food, but impossible to get back out , and that worked within two days. Good luck!!
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