Socks are GO!

The socks are fini! Theophilus is just inspecting - a rabbits' quality approval is all important in our house. I used to curse the fact I had these short fat trotter-like feet, but now having knit a pair I realise I am truly blessed - well at least it means with my very short attention span I actually finish them both. I still however dream of long slender feet that look fabulous in winkle-pickery type shoes and wistfully gaze at the slender gazelle like legs of the daughter, she will never have problems zipping up boots over her pins. Knitting is having a big slow-down this week due to half term and the fact that three treasures are in-house and I am on almost constant kitchen duty as it is raining with typical West of Scotland thoroughness. I am not necessarily feeding the treasures you understand, more guarding the remains of the recent shop run (yesterday). The thing about 12, 11 and 10 years olds is that they are like aphids - they are voracious and nothing much seems to stop them and they hunt either in packs or singly and even at night. I am worn out with fending them away from the cupboards and barricading the 'frig. Despite my valiant efforts I can see another big shop on the way home from work tomorrow. Hell - if you believe it exists, is (at least I reckon) a recently re-organised supermarket where you know its all there and you have to get it in a hurry, but you are absolutely D***ed if you can find it, sigh....
This is the next project....
(Solveig Hisdal - Poetry in Stitches, isbn 8251784352, page 140). Kit from Nordicfibrearts.
This has been sitting in my official knitting pile for a while (that would be the pile the husband knows about). So far as of this evening, I have managed to cast on the 280 stitches on circular 2.5mm and progress as far as the hem and picot edging. I should be finalising a teaching session for Thursday when I take 6 hardy souls for an afternoon of literature searching and critical appraisal. I would far rather teach them knitting. The photo doesn't do the sweater justice - it is totally scrumptious and I will be thinking about it all tomorrow as I head off to a meeting regarding the ins and outs of repeating our joint NHS Trust journal subscriptions at Inverclyde.
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